DREAM TWERP , DREAM... The poiesis of consciousness. The art of reality.The sound of time . We live so that we may live, we live so that we don't die...it's this that defines our minds, we are foolish, we don't want to die without laughing. I think its gravity that keeps us from getting happier, the earth the sun, pulling our good emotions down when we are crazy, evaporating conscious thoughts and showing us darkness when all we need is light. The world finds a nook inside us and slips into us. It's not easy but it stays there till we are full of the light. The light meets the darkness and they speak of the software inside the head filled with shadows, stories and crazy things. The darkness looks like the sun every morning. Its a mad, mad universe and the reason we exist is nothingness. The big question still remains, "What do we do when we encounter beings from distant stars ? "...as i looked at the sky...there was a large white bright moving object ...
Showing posts from October, 2017